Butterfly Conservation

Butterfly landing on a leaf

How to make your garden more "natural" and encourage butterflies and other wildlife.

It is possible to have a "natural garden" that need not be messy or wild and still produce good flowers and vegetables. To encourage a variety of wildlife you need to grow a selection of plants that are rich in nectar and will attract different kinds of insect to either feed or lay eggs. Good examples are alyssum, aubretia, wallflower, buddleia, verbena, michaelmas daisy, heliotrope, phlox and ice plant. You need to allow a small area to grow wild with uncut grass and encourage or even plant food plants for butterflies to lay their butterfly eggs on. These can be nettles, bramble, campion, garlic mustard and dandelion. If these are present in a garden the butterflies will lay eggs and the caterpillars when they hatch will become food for birds. In this way, the choice of food for the wildlife can be increased. It’s a good idea to leave a pile of logs or branches to rot. Here beetles, woodlice and centipedes can find shelter. Then at night they become gardeners friends by eating many garden pests.

Butterfly takes flight in a garden
Butterfly feeding
Butterfly flying towards a flower

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For more information on conserving butterflies in your area, please contact your local branch of Butterfly Conservation or your local Wildlife Trust.

Butterfly Conservation